The Brien “Toad” McCrea Story


Toad Author of Wine Women Very Slow Horses
Toad: NZ Author of “Wine, Women and Very Slow Horses”.

Not just an ordinary joker TOAD!

From the gritty streets of a tough upbringing to the quiet struggles of shyness and self-doubt, this is the inspiring story of a man with a heart of gold.

Despite being short in stature, his contributions to the Child Cancer Foundation are nothing short of towering. Battling the demons of alcoholism, he found redemption through a passion for education and a love for training long-distance runners.
As a dedicated teacher and a musician, his journey is a testament to resilience and the transformative power of giving back. Loved and tolerated by many, ‘The Toad’ penned his story during the isolation of the COVID-19 lockdown, staying sober and fit against all odds.

This is a tale of triumph, proving that even one’s own worst enemy can be overcome with determination and heart.

What’s the book about?

This memoir chronicles Toad’s life – addiction, education, career, community involvement, and sporting achievements, including ballet, wrestling, and an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of Records.

You’ll recognise many key figures who influenced Toad’s journey, from students and staff at Rongotai College, Teachers’ College, Wellington College, and Auckland Grammar School, to the celebrities who supported Toad’s fundraising efforts for the Child Cancer Foundation.

The memoir also delves into memorable experiences such as the McEvedy Shield, cross-harbour swimming, drinking in Wellington’s 70s pubs in school uniform, and Toad’s adventures in both sporting and musical realms. A standout moment is performing with the Bulldogs Allstar Goodtime Band alongside legends like Black SabbathDragon, and Split Enz.

The memoir concludes with heartfelt shout-outs to the many who witnessed Toad’s journey – from his decline to his rise, ultimately sharing his story with you.

Secure your signed copy: $36.95 + p&p 

Format: Soft cover, 292 pages, over 100 photos

Payment Details: 03-0883-0134706-002 
Account name: Peter McCrea  
Payment Reference: Your Initials/Surname

Or purchase your copy here with debit or credit card. Place your order below and don’t miss out on a piece of history! P&P is $8 flat rate.

Lessons Learned at Wellington Teachers’ College:
From late-night singalongs to epic surf competitions, Wellington Teachers’ College was anything but ordinary. I left with a distinction, but the true lessons came from survival, humor, and a few life-changing encounters. What really shaped me into a teacher?

A Headmaster’s Surprise: I thought I was set for greatness when I joined Wellington College, but Headmaster Hill had other plans. My path led me to unexpected decisions and tragic consequences—what did I learn about leadership and fate?

order the book for the full story